Warriors are fierce masters of the arms who will fight until death. They can cause the ground to tremble under their devastating blows, protect their allies and themselves with their shields or go berserk and hack their enemies down in fast flurries of attacks.
Warriors are melee class who can wield medium and heavy armor. They are armed with two handed weapons, dual-wielding one handed weapons and shields.
Warriors specializations are Berserker, Commander and Knight.
Berserker is a dual wielding brute with heavy weapons. They focus on fast and powerful attacks that will split their enemies in half and enraging themselves in combat.
Commander is the skilled protector who wields a shield and protects their allies by making the enemy focus on them instead. They have been trained to ignore pain and can take block enemy attacks with their shield.
Knight focuses on wielding two-handed weapons. They are trained to be calm in the battlefield and finding the opportunity to strike the enemy down with powerful and precise blow that can even shatter the ground.