Patch is now out for Alpha.
The patch includes the following:
- Past Fate is now much more grimmer and darker
- Night is now a lot lighter in-game than it used to be
- Combat system changed: When player enters combat state, he/she gets reduced movement speed unless seathing weapons (Z key). This system will be improved on next update.
- New talents for Priest class
- Priest spells Smite and Heal now have proper intellect scaling
- Cloud shadows
Patch is now out for Alpha.
The patch includes the following:
- Main Menu has been made more brighter
- New skill "Ruin" for Necromancer (Currently for female Necromancer only)
- All controls added to Controls tab, so everything can be rebinded
- Added new combat system with light (LMB) and heavy (RMB) attacks for testing purposes
Patch is now out for Alpha.
The patch includes the following:
-Fixed combat getting stuck
-Now you can properly attack AI with primary attacks without going trough it
-Main Menu improvements
Patch 0.2.5 is now out for Alpha.
The patch includes the following:
- Improved player combat
- Improved enemy combat
- New player animations
- Necromancer animation changes
- Male necromancer somewhat playable
- Quest Stones in Newharbor has its own unique look from other stones
- New enemy loot
- New crafting items
- Crafted item stats
- Notification when leveling up
- Notification for crafting
- Increased loot area on enemies
- Disabled enemy ragdoll and instead added death animation
- Quest item stats fixed and changed
Patch is now out for Alpha 2.
The patch includes the following:
-Dueling system is out. Go near player and press X key to request duel. Keep in mind, dueling is literally until death (or when time runs out).
-Fixed Longdale Harbor, now you can again properly set the banner on flame!
Patch 0.2.4 is now out for Alpha 2.
The patch includes the following:
- M-key opens world map
- Fixed minimap
- Noston has been rebuild to work properly
- New skill icons
- Work in Progress Cooldown Timer (not functional yet)
- No more flying Cultists
- Few tweakings for performance
Patch 0.2.3 is now out for Alpha 2.
The patch includes the following:
- Level cap increased to 15
- Combat is more faster and feels a lot smoother
- Classes now scale properly with their stats
- Proper mana usage on spells
- Minimap has been redone. Still under development
- Optimization should increase performance
- Changes to starting stats
- New loot system
Patch 0.2.2 is now out for Alpha 2.
The patch includes the following:
-Performance is now stable
-Server is saving every 5-seconds. Disconnecting no longer erases progress
-Mana is now properly regenerating
-Left hand weapons should now display properly on characters
-Characters jump higher -Some areas from the world that made characters stuck are now fixed
-Ores from the world should no longer throw characters to air
-Fixed smaller graphical bugs
-Male Warrior Leap should now work properly
Patch 0.2 is now out for Alpha 2.
The patch includes the following:
-Using potion or recipe no longer stucks the combat out
-New combat animations -Few skill adjustments
Quests and Gathering
-Ores and Logs should no longer be hovering or moving on ground
-Ores should no longer be able to throw characters in air
-Loot items stay on ground for 5-minutes, after they will disappear
-Stag's can now properly attack players
-Reduced LOD's from some assets
-Texture Shader Quality Rebuilded
-Sea made to follow camera instead of filling entire world, this should boost FPS
-World Material Shader Quality improved, should boost performance
-All sounds can now be muted
-Blacksmith hammer, walking and hammering made to work on effects slider