Priests are holy and noble by nature. They can smite down their enemies using the light or using it to heal their allies in the time of need. Some priests have gone from light to darkness and this has given some priests the ability to use more darker powers.
Priests are spellcasters who wield light and heavy armor depending on specialization. They are armed with staves, tomes, two handed weapons and one handed weapons.
Priest specializations are Devotion, Cleric and Dark Inquisitor.
Devotion priests commit themselves in the service of the light to heal the people in need with strong healing spells and prayers.
Clerics are the warriors of light who smite down their enemies in the name of the light. Priests who take on this path are expected to master two handed weapons for crushing down the enemy with blessed attacks. They can also make the enemy focus their attacks on the priest.
Dark Inquisitors have abandoned the path of following the light in search for more personal powers through dark magic.